sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

..::Knowledge of the periodic table::..

                     Knowledge of the periodic table
researcher, date Advance
Antonie-Laurent Lavoisier (french),1789 Grouping of 33 elements according to their chemical properties.
Johann Dobereiner (German),1829 Group of three elements (triads)
Jean-Baptiste Dumas (French), 1830 Classification of elements into metals and nonmetals (five families: H, F, O, N and C).
Alexander B. de Chancourtois (French),1862 "Telluric ring" in the form of prop management in order of increasing atomic mass.
Jhon A. Newlands (British), 1865 Group 8 elements (octaves).
J. Lotear Meyer (German)

Dimitri I.Mendeleiev (Russian),1869
Long periods (63 items ordered by atomic mass)
William Crookes (British)1888 Cluster model of the elements in three-dimensional spiral
1900 Noble gases are incorporated
Henry G.Moseley (British),1915 Management of chemical elements by atomic number
1939 he periodic system ends in the element uranium
1940 Sare added to the table the elements tranuranidos.
2003 114 elements are known: 90 are in the nature and the rest were created artificially in the laboratory..

However, the atoms of these elements obtained artificially disintegrate in a very small time.

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